Station Camp Middle School



At Station Camp Middle School, we want our students to excel in and out of the classroom. We offer a variety of after-school clubs and organizations to our students. Offerings are subject to student demand and faculty sponsorship.

Below is a list of our current offerings. Click on the club to find out more information about it.

8th Grade Beta Club

7th Grade Beta Club

6th Grade Beta Club


Art Club

Bison Buddies

Book Club

Chess Club

Cooking and Crafts Club

Classic Cinema Club

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

National Junior Honor Society

Student Council



8th Grade Beta Club
Sponsors - Mrs. Crutcher and Mrs. Mitchell

Meetings: 7:00 - 7:20, Dates will be announced on Google Classroom and in morning/afternoon announcements. 
Class Code: urwswc4
Description of the club: 8th Grade Beta is a club for future leaders. Our mission is to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service, and leadership among students. 
Requirements to apply - 3.0 GPA, no more than one detention and no ISS or OSS the previous semester.

7th Grade Beta Club
Sponsors - Mrs. Lamberth and Mrs. Spence

Application opportunities will be in August. To be considered, students must meet the following criteria:
  1. Applicants must have a all A's and B's for the final semester (academic and related arts classes) of the previous academic year with no failing grades.
  2. Applicants must not have more than one (1) detention and will not have any ISS or OSS incidents during the final semester of the previous academic year.
  3. Applicants must complete the attached application form, obtain a parent/guardian signature of consent, and return the form to the sponsor by the designated date.
Meetings will happen after school a minimum of once per quarter, with notification via Google Classroom.
Google Classroom Code:  xaurhm4

6th Grade Beta Club
Sponsors: Mrs. Holoweicki and Dr. Martinez

Meeting Time and Day: Friday at 7am in room 110 (once a month) - starting in February 2025
6th Grade Beta Club is open 6th graders only with no more than 1 detention and AB Honor Roll for first semester and must maintain AB honor roll. 

To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students.

ACHIEVEMENT - Recognizing and honoring high academic achievement
CHARACTER - Preparing young people for life and empowering them to be successful
LEADERSHIP - Developing the leaders of tomorrow
SERVICE - Demonstrating our motto: Let Us Lead by Serving Others

Start date and time - First meeting in February 2025. More information and sign ups will be discussed prior to the first meeting via announcements and remind.  

Academic Team
Sponsor: Mr. Coker (lead) and Mrs. Cheyne

We compete in the Sumner County Academic League (SCAL). Competition consists of Jeopardy-style quiz bowl matches. We will compete in at least one Regional Invitational that can qualify us for nationals in Chicago if we perform in the top 15 percent of teams at the event.

Art Club
Sponsor: Ms. Simpson

Art club is open to all grade levels. More information about the club will be posted soon.

Bison Buddies
Sponsor: Mrs. Bode and Mrs. Hinegardner

The purpose and goal of SCMS Bison Buddies Club is to facilitate friendships between students in our CDC classes and their peers in the general education setting. These friendships can be fostered through class and school interactions, individual or group interactions facilitated by students outside of school, and scheduled monthly events supervised by SCMS teachers and staff. If you are interested, please stop by Room 106 for an application.

Chess Club
Sponsor: Mrs. Meade and Mr. Pennington

Chess Club is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Chess Club will meet every Thursday after school until 3:45 beginning August 29th. Players of any skill level are welcome to attend. We can even teach you how to play if you want to learn.

Classic Cinema Club 
Sponsor: Mr. Voss
Meeting Time: Every Monday from 2:40 - 3:30 in Room 402. Rides MUST be here at 3:30. First Meeting - August 19th, 2:40-3:00. It will be a meet and greet, general discussion of the club, and opportunity to pick up club permission slips and decide our first movie. 

Open to all SCMS students. We will watch classic movies (action, adventure, monsters), rated G-PG; these films will be the ones that influenced today’s big hits. Ex: Frankenstein, The Wizard of Oz, King Kong vs. Godzilla, the Seventh Voyage of Sinbad. 

Are you a fan of movies? Movies about adventure? Frankenstein's Monster? Godzilla? Fairy tales? If so, we have the club for you!


Cooking and Crafts Club
Sponsor: Mrs. Dismukes and Mrs. Davison

"Crafty Kitchen at the Camp" is a club that alternates between crafting projects and culinary creations. Crafty Kitchen meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month -First Thursday is Culinary; Second Thursday is Crafts.
Join us on Thursday, September 12th in Ms. Nelson’s Social Health Classroom (#127) from 2:45 – 3:45 for our Introduction meeting. Space is limited, so be sure to attend the introduction meeting if you are interested.
All rides MUST be here at 3:45.
Permission Slips can be picked up in the office.


Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Sponsors: Mrs. Meade and Mr. Groover

Huddles (meetings) are Thursday mornings at 7 AM on the stage in the gym. FCA is open to everyone, you do not have to be an athlete to join. Look for our sign in the gym to know where to go. If you come after 7, feel free to come on in. We know not everyone can be here at 7.


National Junior Honor Society
Sponsors: Mrs. OlmsteadMr. Coker, and Mrs. Stover

This club is for 8th-grade students who have achieved a 3.5 GPA and have the character requirements. Members for the 2023-2024 school year have already been selected and inducted. Members should check the club's Google Classroom for announcements.  


Student Council
Sponsor: Mrs. Garner and Mrs. Miller

Student Council is an organization that promotes student leadership and school spirit. It is open to students in all grades.

Student Council is an organization that promotes student leadership and school spirit. It is open to students in all grades.  Student Council sponsors Halloween and Valentine’s Day Candy Grams, has social events, and does service projects.  

Information will be sent home the week of August 19 for student council, and must be returned by August 30th for consideration. All club communication will be sent through Remind and will not be announced at school.  Student Council meeting days and times vary throughout the year.


Yearbook Club
Sponsor: Ms. Talbott

Open to 7th and 8th Graders
Meetings: Thursdays 2:30-3:30
Students will document the fantastic memories and events of this school year.  Requirements are dedication, photography skills, computer skills, creativity, and willingness to work with others.  We have a lot of fun and gain great joy in helping students and staff to document all of the amazing things happening at SCMS.


Station Camp Middle School is a collaborative culture of high performing students, teachers, and school communities.

Mission Statement

Station Camp Middle School commits to growing learners who are high school, college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.